Thursday, 7 March 2013

River Island rose gold watch

I'll start off by saying that I have never been a massive fan of watches of any kind. Then when I started my job last year I bought myself a cheap one and now I find myself unable to live without one on my wrist. Now I've found a massive love for them and decided that I would treat myself to a good one maybe for my birthday. 

Two of which I had my eyes on; the Vivienne Westwood pink orb watch which is so girly and gorgeous and the other one being the Michael Kors rose gold watch which is absolutely stunning.
Both of these watches aren't in anyway cheap and in all honesty I would be worried walking around with something at that price on my wrist! So the other day I was having a nosy around the asos website and stumbled across this beauty;

 As soon as I saw it I quickly shoved it in my basket and went straight to the checkout without a second thought! It looks so much like the Michael Kors watch that I had been drooling over and at £25 which is a fraction of the price of the original, I couldn't resist. 
I went back to check the link today because my friend was asking where I got it here and I saw that they have sold out already so I'm so glad I picked it up when I did. I also couldn't find it on the river island website so I really hope they come back in stock for anyone who wants to buy it.
I really can't wait to get this resized and start wearing it out, I'll have the excuse to buy some rose gold jewellery to match it now!

Rachael xox